MARCH 8, 2025
Dear prayer warriors,
We have just received word that Jonathan (John) has been released from the hospital after a stay for double pneumonia. His lungs are now clear, but because of the cancer and the pneumonia, his heart rate is unstable, rising higher than it should.
The Doctor at Envida (where he is getting his cancer treatments) initially contacted them and said that because of his heart rate he could not continue treatment. Jonathan did not believe that, saying that God had brought them this far and He would not let it all end here. The doctor contacted them again and said that they would evaluate him at Envida instead of taking the hospital's word.
So this morning they went to Envida for tests. They will rest this weekend and Monday learn the results.
I'm sure you can read between the lines and understand how to pray.
I would add that Jonathan needs us to pray for his emotional and spiritual well being. It is hard to always be on top when the situation continues on day in and day out and then one has setbacks like the collapsed lung and then pneumonia. Pray also for Kayla. She has been a trooper! She has carried the weight of handling the finances, caring for the house, home school, meals, and on and on. Jonathan is blessed to have such a Godly woman as his wife! But the whole family is weary. As you can imagine, this ordeal has taken a toll on the boys and Kayla's father who has been with them all these weeks along with working long distance at his regular job at an insulation business.
Thank you for being so faithful in praying.
Ben and Jan Pike (Johns parents)
FEBRUARY 27, 2025
John Is admitted into ICU with double pneumonia.
John made it very clear to them that God has the final say that he plans on living for many years. That was incredible to hear from his voice. It did my heart so much good. Reality is that he is on 50% oxygen right now and we need him to be on 8% oxygen to be able to go home. God reminds us in psalms 37 that even though it looks like evil prevails, we wait on the Lord and do not fret .
On a positive note, all of you have been praying that we’d be able to find a house . At the hospital tonight, we got a call from the owners of the house we are staying in and they changed all arrangements on their house so that we can stay here until we go home! Pray that God would bless them for their obedience to listening to our God. Thank our Abba Father that He is faithful that He’s worthy and that He shows up just when we need it!
We are all sobbing with thankfulness and grateful hearts . It relieves my husband from having to worry about finances and where they’re going to come from. It shows him that God provides for him and cares for him . It shows me that I am able to trust my Father with my everything and that he provides as a husband and father would.
Pray for our family that is here. For my dad as he helps with the boys and stuff at the house - that God would give him strength and peace.
For my sister-in-law as she stays nights at the hospital so I can be home with the boys- that God will give her strength and rest.
For the other parts of our family that are here as well- That they would be strengthened.
-Love, Kayla
FEBRUARY 26, 2025
John is not feeling well (more so than normal.) We went into the ER and we are told there is a bylateral pneumonia infection.
They did blood work and various scans for many other things.
They are having a hard time getting his oxygen levels up.
We are all weary, and not sleeping well.
We need to be out of the house by Friday to give us time to clean before the owners come back on Tuesday.
We are praying for something $2500 or less. But most places are 4-10k a month. The Lord will provide!
FEBRUARY 23, 2025
We had to take the car into the shop and $2,000 later it is fixed. John is still in a lot of pain. We found out that we will need to be here at least 8 more weeks, and this week we are scheduled to leave our current home and stay at my nephews home. However, the rooms are all upstairs and John cannot manage them so we will have to look for somewhere to live by next weekend. We are praying for God to show us what He has provided for us!
I am thankful for Ten years of marriage (Feb. 21) Oh, to think - it feels so much longer, yet like yesterday.
FEBRUARY 13, 2025
PRAISE! John has recovered from his pneumothorax and is home (in AZ) resting!
FEBRUARY 10, 2025
John is currently in the ER. Doctors have done chest xrays and may do blood work.
They are going to admit him for at least overnight.
He has a pneumothorax (an air pocket in his chest cavity.) It was caused from the CIPI injections. It's a risk of the CIPI, that happens if the needle goes through the lung. When it happens, and it is small, it usually reabsorbs, But there is always a risk of it getting bigger which is what happened this time.
So now they need to drain it and need to watch his lung for calapse. They have him on oxygen and are going to be putting in a drain tub. -Kayla
FEBRUARY 3, 2025 From John
Doctors appt today showed some positive results in lab tests! Also, he shared that one of the lymph nodes that they were going to target a lesion on during the first CIPI had shrunk so they skipped it and used the medication on another location!
JANUARY 31, 2025
Per Pastor Ron’s conversation with John Thursday,
after weeks of immunotherapy/ chemotherapy, John received his first infusion treatment directly into the cancer cells yesterday and said it went very well. They have also discovered the cause of his terrible back pain and are working to resolve that.
JANUARY 26, 2025
Praise God! There was over 300 people in attendance at the spaghetti dinner fundraiser and just over $18,000 collected.
God is good, this will cover just over their needs for one week of treatments for John.
If there are questions that we can help with, please don't hesitate to contact
John's older brother Andy at (228) 304-3570 or email him at
2466 S Nielson St
Gilbert, AZ 85295